Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is where information is classified based on information already gained, or from information extracted from patterns identified. Pattern recognition can be automated pattern recognition through computerised machine-learning. Alternatively, personal pattern recognition can be performed mentally (subconsciously) by individuals with expertise in a field.

In this blog, I explore how we use personal pattern recognition to support executing our edge in business.

How is it that you can sometimes provide a solution to a seemingly complex problem, in just moments?

How can an expert review a scenario that other people have spent weeks or months working on, only to provide an accurate assessment within a few short hours?

What is happening when this occurs?

I would suggest that this occurrence is largely due to pattern recognition.

It turns out that when we master something, we have already done Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours. Possibly even 20,000 or 30,000 hours of mastering our craft. 

What happens on the path to mastery is that we experience hundreds, sometimes thousands, of different simulations. A simulation can be described as a single event. 

In observing these simulations, patterns appear. Over time, these patterns can be recognised by us. Typically, they are subconsciously recognised. When A occurs, B follows with C typically the outcome.

The patterns are always there in a field of endeavour. However only experts can identify a pattern and accurately interpret it.

The experienced lawyer can review a set of events and immediately apply the correct legislation and case law to the issue. There may be a myriad of laws and legal cases that potentially apply to the facts. She does not have to work through each of these. She simply recognises the pattern and instinctively jumps to the correct law.

The experienced business analyst reviews a business case. He has only recently met the management team and reviewed the business’ affairs. Again, he doesn’t need to spend a year working inside the business. He has reviewed hundreds of businesses and recognises the pattern of behaviour or information that has caused the business’ dilemma. 

I believe this is personal pattern recognition playing out.

The first step is recognising where you possess pattern recognition capabilities. Reflect on where you exhibit this capability.

The second step is to explore how pattern recognition provides an edge to you in your personal or business life.    

The third step is to observe if you are optimising the use of pattern recognition.

Finally, what strategy could you use to share your pattern recognition capability with others for mutual benefit? 

The patterns are there.

You can see them.

Make them visible.

Make a bigger difference.

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