The Face and The Heel

Growing up as a kid, I loved watching the wrestling on Sunday mornings. The heroes and villains created powerful images in a young boy’s mind.

I still remember the painful disappointment of discovering that the matches were staged, or choreographed, with a script and story arc.

As an adult, I was even more fascinated to further understand how wrestlers developed their character – either as The Face or The Heel.

The Face is the crowd favourite. The Face is a charismatic hero with a clean-cut profile espousing popular patriotic, moral or ethical values.

The Heel is the villain. The bad guy. The Heel fights dirty and riles the crowd with his antics. He espouses poor values, unleashes vitriol and never follows the rules.

Through this pandemic, it got me thinking about our choice in being The Face or The Heel.

What mask are you wearing in your fight?

The Face

The Face keeps a routine and proactively works on his physical and mental health.

The Face is dressed, shaven and at his desk at the same time each weekday.

The Face does not get drawn into cynical, negative and polarizing conspiracy theories and social media pile-ons around issues.

The Face adopts an apolitical and bi-partisan state in relation to politicians and leaders. The enemy is the virus.

The Face is neither positive nor negative, rather the observer and realist.

The Face is constructive and nurtures people in his actions and conversations.

The Face helps rather than hinders.

The Face has a positive emotional bank account as he serves people without expectation.

The Face is here to serve.

The Face has got your back.

You remember The Face.

The Heel

The Heel has really let himself go recently. Pizza boxes and beer cans litter his lounge room.

The Heel’s sleep patterns have fallen away, not to mention his personal grooming.

The Heel goes on long rants to anyone who cares to listen. His social media posts are jammed with cynical memes, conspiracy theories and sometimes vile content.

The Heel is very political and overtly critical of those in power. The enemy is the State.

The Heel is constantly negative, and negativity always finds company.

The Heel is a silent saboteur in spreading his poison in conversations with people.

The Heel is combative and not generally helpful to others.

The Heel has a large overdraft in his emotional bank account.

The Heel is an opportunist and often driven by self-interest.

The Heel will let you down.

You remember The Heel.

What Persona do you want to adopt through this crisis?

The Face or The Heel?

Think about your mode of operandi through the crisis.

How do you think and act?

How is your behaviour perceived by those that interact with you?

How is that working for you?

Have you been unwillingly drawn into playing The Heel at times?

It is never too late to modify behaviour.

Reflect, regroup and reposition yourself to face the challenges present.

The Face will be long remembered and welcomed warmly next time he enters the ring.

The Heel will also be long remembered but may be resented next time he enters the ring.

Which way do you want to be remembered?

As The Heel or The Face?

I always chose The Face when I was a kid and he is still my hero all these years later.

What about you?

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