Block out Toxic Noise & tune in to your Ideal Frequency

Within the virtual world - the 24-hour news media cycles, streaming services, email, social media and endless notifications constantly bombard us with toxic noise.

Within the physical world - family, friends, business partners, employees, customers, suppliers and community members can also bombard us with toxic noise.

One of the positives of last year’s lockdown was the opportunity to quiet ourselves and reflect on who and what we value.

By hopping off life’s merry- go-round for a while there was an opportunity to block out much of the toxic noise that invades us. This noise often prevents us from being the version of ourselves we wish to be.

Let’s do a stocktake of toxic noise and what we can do to tune in to our ideal frequency.

People in the Real World

Our family, friends, community and even strangers all project their views and feedback upon us each day. Uncontrolled this can include an endless source of toxic noise that dramatically impacts our state of mind, moods, current world view and overall mental health.

But what can we do to control, filter or eliminate the toxic noise broadcast to us by people?

Some hacks and tactics include:

·       Remember that you are the sum average of the 5 people you spend the most time with so choose your inner sanctum wisely

·       Remember that a toxic negative voice has disproportionate impact on your mood and wellbeing, so seek more positive people

·       Manage the forum spent with friends or family within certain events and environments to dial-down toxic impact

·       Limit, restrict or eliminate the time spent with friends and family that communicate in a manner that has a negative impact on you  

·       Understand your biorhythms and try and schedule interactions with challenging people when you are best able to cope

·       Restrict or remove yourself from negative or toxic neighbours

·       Restrict or remove yourself from toxic or negative community members at school functions, kids sport or other community hubs

·       Manage and monitor your exposure to public sites that may subject you to toxic noise

Taking direct action on this can be done by simply using a journal noting your thoughts and actions, combined with a diary to plan your interactions with various people.

A weekly ritual over coffee to review your journal notes and diary interactions can provide a rolling review.

The Virtual World

In addition to our real-world interaction with people, we are significantly impacted by the silent consumption of toxic noise through multi-media.

How do we control, filter or eliminate the toxic noise broadcast to us in the virtual world?

Some hacks and tactics include:

·       No access to tech 45 minutes after rising in the morning or before going to bed

·       No screens in the bedroom

·       Limit time spent on virtual platforms

·       Based on your biorhythms, choose the most suitable time for you to interact online

·       Don’t engage in social media keyboard wars with people

·       Block, hide or resist engagement with friends or family online that are problematic for you

·       Don’t overshare personal or private details online that come back to you as toxic noise

·       Audit your media sources and eliminate toxic content

·       Review your news sources and choose a staple of trusted sources. Less is more

·       Remember that virtual platforms seek to match content that mirrors your disclosed interests and views. The more toxic your history, the more toxic content you receive

·       Balance your online exposure with other mediums such as reading, music and mindfulness

The key to blocking out toxic noise is awareness.

Regularly review your exposure to the physical and virtual world.

Reflect and consider the volume, forums and parties you are exposed to and the impact that has on your overall wellbeing.

Choosing your ideal frequency is an ongoing watch and act.

Only you can control this.

You cannot unhear or unsee toxic noise. It gets in to your psyche.




Toxic noise never sleeps.

It is endless, unforgiving and all around us.

We want to see the best version of You.

Tune in to your ideal frequency.

Be your best.


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