Morning Routines Revisited

Most of us are aware that high-achievers typically have their own set of daily Morning Routines.

These are typically a range of activities and steps attended to prior to commencing your workday.

I have always been fascinated by Morning Routines.

Looking back, the first time I set up my Morning Routine, I had a range of themes and tactics offered by many.

Let’s call them Morning Routines 1.0

But I had to make up my own.

They needed to resonate.

To have impact.

It was in monitoring my daily actions and outputs, that I discovered some patterns.

Often, I was missing out on doing certain things I wanted to do daily.

Important personal things might be hijacked by priorities, meetings, interruptions and the events of the day.

Each week in reviewing my activities, I was often left frustrated that I didn’t always tick off my ‘non-negotiables’ I set out to do daily.

Just for me.

On retreat, I allocated some reflective time to drafting Morning Routines 2.0

It started with some fundamental questions.

What would I like to start my day with?

What actions would help make me be the best version of myself, if I were to do them?

What important things would I like to tick off straight away BEFORE I started my workday?

In completing these important actions FIRST, I could eliminate the feeling of remorse in not completing them, and FREE myself to have even more IMPACT in my day.

I’ll let you design your own Morning Routine, but I thought it might be helpful to share mine.

I find it helpful to give your Morning Routine a name for shorthand reference.

It is 6 things I do at 7am or ‘6 @ 7’ shorthand. I’ve also added some web links for my resources.

6 @ 7

  1. Stretches

  2. Gripper for grip strength (

  3. AG1 drink & no breakfast Mon-Thurs for intermittent fasting (

  4. Gratitude Journal (

  5. Meditate (I recommend Daily Calm 10 minutes by Tamara Levitt on Calm App)

  6. Affirmations (I record my affirmations in my own voice on iPhone and listen daily)

I encourage you to draft and make a discipline of creating your own Morning Routine.

Let’s all start each day for success.

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