The Fourth Moon
How to escape the mire of day-to-day business operations, transform the way your business operates, and achieve spectacular and sustainable success?
In my narrative-driven book, The Fourth Moon, I draw on 25 years’ experience to identify and explore the four universal elements of business success – Strategy, Implementation, Maintenance and Leverage.
The Fourth Moon recounts the story of fictitious IT entrepreneur Tom Dylan, like many other small to medium business owners, feels bogged down and paralysed by the day-to-day operational demands of his business. Tom commits, at first reluctantly, to embark on a mission to reach The Fourth Moon – a place where business owners leverage true success within all aspects of their business and personal life.
Whatever your challenge, The Fourth Moon will guide you through each stage of your journey to achieving your ultimate goal.
“Told through elegant metaphor and story, Bourke provides a compelling blueprint for sustainable success that any business can follow.”
“Entrepreneurs are so busy building and then running their businesses that they rarely get to an ideal place where they are able to work less, enjoy more, and still continue to grow. The Fourth Moon is that place and Darren shows you how you can reach it in this fun and interesting book.”
“5.0 out of 5 stars - A refreshing read!
I read this book and immediately liked its style. Something refreshingly easy to follow and remember. I have plenty of theoretical business text books that weigh me down as I attempt to pick out the parts that I can use to improve my small and very busy business. I picked up a few great tips that I could immediately implement in my business, for that I am most grateful. I didn’t need to sit in a conference for pearls of wisdom to pop out about business success, I could download a book, have it read over a few hours and get back to business. Love it!”