Using mindfulness to overcome anxiety

A few years ago, I read Dr Russ Harris’ excellent book The Happiness Trap in which he outlines powerful psychological research outlining ACT – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy.

Harris advises us to ‘accept’ our thoughts and feelings while being present, ‘choose’ a valued direction and ‘take’ action.

It turns out in business that we often set goals, avoid taking action and get stuck. We freeze and fail to follow through. ACT helps to navigate a path forward and get unstuck.

When you feel anxious over being stuck use defusion strategies to name the beast. Identify it is the perfectionist in you. Or your harshest judge. Or a recent bad experience over-influencing your current perspective.

Accept this feeling or observation. Acknowledge it exists and it is real.

Is the goal or action that you are stuck on realistic? Is it too big? Do you have the resources or time? What are you willing to give up to get it? If it is unrealistic or too bold, reset the goal or make a different one.

And finally, does it embrace your values? Review what matters to you about the goal. Is it truly meaningful to you? Is the attainment of the goal propelling you forward towards the bigger picture you seek?

Using ACT to pull part your anxiety through defusion, acceptance, realism and embracing values provides a proven technique in helping you to overcome anxiety in challenging times.

For more resources on this, visit

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