13 Productivity Hacks to play a Bigger Game

In conjunction with this month’s blog, my video explored the need to conduct at least 3 hours of deep work each day.

To help you target a minimum of 3 hours of deep work daily, here are some great productivity hacks I’ve discovered and adopted.

  1. Start with intent by identifying the 2 or 3 big things you want to achieve today and tackle them first. This creates focus and provides a greater sense of achievement at the end of each working day.

  2. Create an internal meeting regime that is lean, efficient and quarantines meeting times with internal and external people. Stick to these meetings and run them to schedule and on time.

  3. Set up ‘office hours’ either through a digital app or with your assistant to provide windows where team members or customers can contact you or see you. For example, 10.30am-12pm on Mondays, Wednesday & Fridays. Be available for spontaneous calls or visits at these times. Coach and train people to use these windows to access you.

  4. Conduct brief rolling ‘check-ins’ with team members reporting to you every 48 hours to get updates on their progress and offer support.

  5. Turn off email and set phone on silent when doing deep work.

  6. Schedule 3-5 hours of deep work every day or at least every alternate day as a primary discipline. During these windows, you can’t be disturbed or interrupt your flow by checking emails or phone.

  7. Schedule allocated blocks in the morning and afternoon to check email and phone calls in specific windows and batch replies efficiently.

  8. Conduct a Weekly Check-In each Monday morning to review your performance of the prior week in completing deep work. What were your achievements, failures and opportunities to improve this week?

  9. Conduct a Monthly Check-In of your overall performance for the prior month and journal your observations.

  10. Adopt a 28 Day Digital Detox where you turn off social media and only use your phone or laptop to access utilities (phone & email). Journal your observations at the end of the detox and make required changes to future ‘junk time’ social media and games access. These are often hollow calories for your mind and productivity.

  11. Schedule one Catch-Up-Day per month where you allow yourself an entire day to catch up and clear any uncompleted business administration. This is a get out of jail card throughout the month for unfinished admin.

  12. Schedule a Wellness Day every month or quarter to simply do whatever you please. Take in a hike, attend a movie or a get a massage to reinvigorate yourself. Don’t let guilt block you.

  13. Schedule a Quarterly Retreat for 1-2 days to revisit your strategic plan, goals and projects. Include plenty of rest and exercise to recalibrate. Think and reflect.

The truly awesome thing about being in private business is independence and your ability to implement change immediately.

Get started.

Change that schedule up.


I write blogs & videos just like this one on business, productivity and human development. If you'd like it delivered straight to your inbox head to https://darrenkbourke.com/the-fourth-moon-blog and let me know your email.

Email me at darren@darrenkbourke.com to schedule a meeting (at no cost or obligation) to discuss how I can help you, your business and your team this year.