Leveraging The Power of Choice

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I recently shared my theme for this year of Leveraged Simplicity.

It got me thinking about a simpler way to leverage my life.

Being a very action-oriented person, I wanted to reflect on observing the impact of choice.

Whether to act or be still.

Whether to broadcast or be quiet.

Action versus inaction.

I’ve found it an insightful exercise and here are some observations around choice.

Not looking at email until after morning routines creates a better start to the day.

Not checking email or speaking to people on the phone in the evening allows me to switch off and recover (I’m talking to people all day!).

Allocating more time to exercise, meditation, holidays and wellbeing makes me a better person.

Allowing people more time to respond to my phone calls or emails reduces anxiety.

Focusing on active listening rather than waiting to answer, deepens relationships.

Don’t attach myself to problems I can’t resolve or feel responsible for outcomes I haven’t created.

Choose to believe in abundance in dealing with a loss or setback knowing new opportunities will come tomorrow.

My theme of Leveraged Simplicity has already brought significant gains to my business and personal life through asking myself a question.

Does the energy and time expended on this activity create leveraged simplicity?

If the answer is no, I seek to reduce or eliminate this activity.

The power of choice is creating increased capacity in my life.

I am finding flow easier as I eliminate redundant factors. My increased capacity has allowed me to schedule more high value activities that are yielding amazing results for me.

Choose to act or be still.

And remember, stillness is not passiveness.

Stillness or quiet just might be the best choice.

Action isn’t always required.

Consider your choices this year in leveraging a better life.

To start creating sustainable success in your business and life, download a copy of my eBook 'The Success Algorithm' which details my process to work less and earn more. You can get a free copy on the Giveaways page of my website. Plus some bonus videos from my Fourth Moon video series to reach your goals sooner!

All the best,

Darren K Bourke

Connect with Darren on LinkedIN here.

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