business strategy

Execution And Your Relationship With Risk

Execution And Your Relationship With Risk

One of the key differences between ‘high-achievers’ and the ‘also-rans’ is the ability to manage risk.

If there was zero risk involved in executing your actions, you would have an infinite market edge in business. You could merely execute constantly and your returns would multiply.

If there was 100% risk involved in executing your actions, it would just be a matter of time before your working capital is exhausted and bankruptcy would follow.

Of course, in business there is risk, but it sits somewhere in between. While you don’t know to what degree, you must have some market edge to stay in business over time and be profitable.

To execute effectively and efficiently, you must develop a balanced relationship with risk.

Accepting Failure On The Pathway To Success

Accepting Failure On The Pathway To Success

We are surrounded by overnight success stories.

TV features, weekend magazines and social media posts constantly promote perfect individuals that have achieved amazing success.

These entrepreneur’s stories appear flawless and they seem to have experienced one success after another.

It can often lead to business owners feeling like under-achievers.

But what the feature articles on success don’t talk about are the failures on the journey.

Capacity 2.0 Release The Vacuum To Let Opportunity In

Capacity 2.0 Release The Vacuum To Let Opportunity In

How busy are you?

Have you filled up your capacity so much that you have created a vacuum where you don’t have time for anything new?

Filling your capacity may seem noble but nobody likes a busy fool nor should you want to be one.

Capacity 2.0 is shorthand for opening up your capacity by allocating more time to new and emerging opportunities.

Capacity 2.0 releases the vacuum and lets opportunities into your life.

Understanding How The Evolution Of Work And Our Changing Demography Affects Your Business

Understanding How The Evolution Of Work And Our Changing Demography Affects Your Business

I’m fascinated by the evolution of work and our changing demography.

We often get so stuck in our own head that we forget to look up at the horizon.

And the horizon is shifting.

Individuals and families are making changes to their lives to counter the impact of evolution.

I thought it might be useful to explore some examples of change and the needs/opportunities that result.

Identifying your Peak, Trough & Recovery Zones

Identifying your Peak, Trough & Recovery Zones

Jerry Seinfeld talked about the morning guy hating the night guy.

Are you an early-bird or a night-owl?

The research finds that most of us are neither. But we do have biorhythms throughout the day that rotate through three primary cycles- Peak, Trough and Recovery.

But how does understanding these three primary cycles help us plan our business day?